Remote Authoring

The remote author process was developed to allow multiple Item Writing databases to exist with synchronised data.

Publish Updates

Select one or more items from the Item Entry grid. Click the Bulk Action –> Synch to Remote menu option. This will publish all of the Item Writing security information (does this every time) as well as all of the Item information relating to the selected item(s) in the grid. If a matching remote record is found the information is updated. If no matching record is found all the information is added.

Retrieve Flagged Items

An internal user must request to retrieve flagged items from the Remote Author site. This will make a call to the Remote Author web service and return a list of all items that have been flagged by the authors as ready to be synchronised. Once the items have been selected via checkbox in the grid, those items are retrieved and then either added or updated to the local Item Writing database. On completion the items are unflagged on the Remote Author site.

For performance reasons TDA recommends that 10 or less items be selected in a single batch.

Note: the local security records are not synchronised in this retrieve process.

Sync Audit

The sync audit grid is only visible on the local Item Writing application. All normal grid functionality applies to this grid.

There is no count of the # of times the item has been pulled from the remote site. There will only ever be a maximum of 2 records for a given ItemID in this audit grid.

When publishing to the Remote Author site the ExternalID field will not be published.

The remote author web application has very limited functionality. Users may only create or modify items in banks to which they have been granted access.

Flag Items

Once an author has finished editing an item it must be flagged to be synchronised with the main Item Writing application. An author may select one or more items to be synchronised. When the items have been selected the author must then click on the Bulk Action –> Set Synch menu option. This will flag the selected items as ready to be transferred to the main Item Writing application.

Conversely in the event that the author no longer wants to synchronise one or more items they those items that had previously been flagged to clear the synch flag. When the items have been selected the author must then click on the Bulk Action –> Clear Synch menu option. This will remove the flag on the selected items.